Located one block off Highway 395 at 191 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston, Oregon 97838

What we believe:
United Methodists share a common heritage with all Christians. According to our foundational statement of beliefs in The Book of Discipline, we share the following basic affirmations in common with all Christian communities:
We believe in –
- God, who is one, is revealed in three distinct persons.
- We believe in the mystery of salvation through Jesus Christ. God became human in Jesus of Nazareth; and his life, death and resurrection demonstrates God’s redeeming love.
- The Holy Spirit is God’s present activity in our midst. When we sense God’s leading, God’s challenge, or God’s support or comfort, it’s the Holy Spirit at work.
- Genesis 1:27 asserts that we’ve been made in the image of the Creator. Like God we have the capacity to love and care, to communicate, and to create.
- The church is the body of Christ, an extension of Christ’s life and ministry in the world today.
- We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and is the primary authority for our faith and practice.
- The kingdom or reign of God is both a present reality and future hope.

For more information and history of the United Methodist Church, visit UMC.org
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191 E Gladys Avenue, Hermiston, Oregon 97838; Phone: (541) 567-3002