HFUMC Home page

Hermiston First United Methodist Church Welcomes You!

Join us Sundays at 10:30am for worship.

Our new elevator will be operational very soon.  We have it under control!

191 E Gladys Avenue, Hermiston, Oregon 97838           

 Phone:  (541) 567-3002

 Our next Potluck will be after church on March 9th in Davis Hall!

Join us each Wednesday at 11:00 am for “Soups On”

HERMISTON — A warm bowl of soup and friendly smiles will be served each Wednesday at the       Hermiston First United Methodist Church, 191 E. Gladys Ave.  The doors open at 11 a.m. for   conversation, food and an opportunity to meet someone new.  In addition to soup, the menu includes   peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, dessert and a beverage.


And there’s always room in the choir…

Hermiston First United Methodist Church held their first services in Hermiston in 1907.  Our current building was built in 1922.  We have recently been updating and painting inside and out.  We’d love to show you around and have you join us each Sunday at 10:30am.  We have our monthly potluck on the 2nd Sunday after church at 11:30am in Davis Hall.  We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries each month on the 3rd Sunday.  The food and fellowship is amazing!

During the week, several groups meet in the various meeting rooms.  There are still rooms available for groups.  Contact Pastor Patty Nance if you may be in need of a location for your group to meet. 






The church has been renovated and painted inside and out.

We share our space with the Restoration Church who holds worship services in Spanish on Sundays at 3:00pm.





The new elevator will be operational the first of December, accessible just inside the side door on the 2nd Street entrance.





Their is a chair lift at the front door on the Gladys Ave. side for people who require a little extra help with stairs.





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